How to get to Odense

Planning a trip to Odense? But you don't know how to get there? Vivanoda helps you organise your trip to Odense by letting you search and compare the best offers for train and coach.

By train to Odense

The train is an economical and ecological way to reach Odense. It allows you to easily arrive in the centre of Odense and enjoy the sights.

By coach to Odense

The long-distance coach is an extremely economical means of transport for a stay in Odense. On the other hand, travelling by coach to Odense is much slower than travelling by train or plane.

Transportation to Odense in figures

Number of airlines serving Odense
Number of stations or airports in Odense
6 stations
2 coach stations
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Why search for tickets to travel to Odense with Vivanoda?

Why search for tickets to travel to Odense with Vivanoda?

When planning a trip to Odense, it is important to choose your mode of transport based on your needs, budget, time and comfort. Whether you travel by train or coach, your choice of transport can have a significant impact on the price and quality of your trip to Odense. This is why it is important to use a transport and price comparison tool to buy a ticket to Odense.

Vivanoda is a handy tool that allows you to quickly find the best travel options to Odense in terms of price, time and quality. With Vivanoda you can compare the various train and coach tickets available for your trip to Odense. This way you can find the cheapest and most suitable options for your needs.

The most popular routes to Odense

We present the most popular routes to Odense from all major European cities, whether by train or coach. Whether you want to find the cheapest flight to Odense, the fastest train or the most comfortable coach, we have gathered all the information you need to plan your trip to Odense with confidence.

Whether you are travelling from Amsterdam, Hamburg, Dortmund, Frankfurt am Main, Horsens or Copenhagen or another major European city, we compare the different modes of transport to help you choose the best option to get to Odense. You will find information on the most popular routes, transport companies, travel times, ticket prices and tips for safe and comfortable travel. We have also included tips on how to save money and find the best fares to Odense. Whether you are a budget traveller or looking for the ultimate in comfort, you will find all the options to plan your trip to Odense with confidence.

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Travel to Odense by train

Where are the train stations in Odense?

To reach Odense by train, choose from 6 stations, including Odense, Holmstrup St., Højby Fyn St., Hjallese St., Fruens Bøge St. and Odense Sygehus St..

Station located 0.4 mi from the centre of Odense
Holmstrup St.
Station located 5.2 mi from the centre of Odense
Højby Fyn St.
Station located 4.9 mi from the centre of Odense
Hjallese St.
Station located 2.6 mi from the centre of Odense
Fruens Bøge St.
Station located 1.9 mi from the centre of Odense
Odense Sygehus St.
Station located 1.4 mi from the centre of Odense
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Travel to Odense by coach

Where are the coach stations in Odense?

Here is the list of 2 coach stations (or bus stops) serving the city of Odense.

Coach station 0.5 mi from Odense
Odense Parkering Syd
Coach station 3.0 mi from Odense
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Train, Coach and Flights to Odense - Compare and Book Cheap Tickets

Travel and Transportation to Odense

When to visit Odense?

The best time to visit Denmark is generally in summer, from June to August. During this period, the days are long, the temperatures are pleasant and the countryside is lush. Average temperatures vary between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius, which is ideal for exploring Denmark's charming cities, such as Copenhagen, Aarhus and Odense. It's also the perfect time to enjoy the white sandy beaches of the Danish coast and outdoor activities such as cycling and summer festivals.

On the other hand, the worst time to travel in Denmark is generally winter, from December to February. Average temperatures are cold, ranging from -1 to 5 degrees Celsius, and days are short. However, if you're a winter sports fan, this is the ideal time to visit Denmark. You can take advantage of the country's ski resorts, go ice-skating on frozen lakes and enjoy the charm of Christmas markets.

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