Want to plan your trip to Europe without breaking the bank? Our coach ticket comparison platform is here to help! Discover the best offers for bus travel between different cities in Europe.

With our service, you can quickly and easily find the best coach routes for your trip, while enjoying affordable fares. We have selected for you the most reliable and economical coach companies to give you a pleasant and affordable travel experience.

With our coach trip planner, you can compare prices and schedules of different coach companies in a few clicks, making booking quick and easy. We also provide detailed information on bus stops, routes and travel times to help you plan your journey.

We offer a wide range of bus routes that allow you to discover Europe's most beautiful destinations at competitive prices. Whether you want to discover Paris, Barcelona, Rome or Berlin, our platform will help you find the best prices for your coach trip.

So go ahead and compare coach tickets now with Vivanoda! Enjoy low fares, quality services and a stress-free journey.

Popular destinations for a coach trip in Europe

Europe is an easily accessible continent by coach, with direct routes and frequent connections between cities. Travelling by coach is an economical, convenient and comfortable option to discover Europe's diverse landscapes, fascinating cultures and architectural treasures.

With Vivanoda, you can compare coach ticket prices in many countries. Here is an overview.

Search for bus tickets

There are many fascinating destinations to explore by coach in Europe, whether for a few days away or a longer trip. Paris, London, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Rome, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest and Brussels are some of the most popular cities for bus travel. Each of these cities offers a unique and unforgettable experience, with a wealth of fascinating culture, architecture and history to explore.

Paris is an ideal destination for a romantic getaway, with its cobbled streets, cosy cafés and iconic architecture. London, the cosmopolitan capital, is an ideal destination for lovers of shopping, culture and history, with its museums, historical monuments and trendy boutiques.

Amsterdam, with its canals and bicycles, is famous for its lively streets, art museums and vintage shops. Barcelona offers a warm and friendly atmosphere, with its beaches, tapas and lively nightlife. Rome is full of history, art and culture, with museums, ancient monuments and good restaurants.

Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest and Brussels are also unmissable destinations for bus tours in Europe. Each of these cities offers a unique experience, with historical sites, museums, restaurants, cafés and unique shops to explore. Wherever you want to go, our coach ticket comparison platform is here to help you find the best fares for your coach trip in Europe.

Cork Dublin
Bolton Dover Birkenhead Johnston Rochdale Stowmarket Vauxhall Belsay Branksome Bury Saint Edmonds Byrness Calcot Camptown Capheaton Catcleugh Catterick Cross Hands Dobwalls Edgerston Elsdon Eltham Ferniehirst Fountainhall Fremington Hanley Heriot Instow Jaywick Knowesgate Lavendon Lewisham Market Deeping Meadowhall Mossburnford Neyland Northam Oldham Penygroes Ponteland Probus Ramshope Saint Austell Saint Blazey Saint Clears Saint Erth Saint Ives Saint Neots Saint Osyth Stocksbridge Stockwell Stow Stratford Thorrington Towyn Warndon Westward Ho! Burnley Dorchester Edinburgh Cardiff Glasgow Swansea Llandudno Basingstoke Bedford Blackpool Bristol Cambridge Cheltenham Doncaster Folkestone Gloucester Grimsby Newcastle Upon Tyne Nottingham Oxford Peterborough Preston Birmingham Bournemouth Chesterfield Halifax Liverpool Luton Manchester Middlesbrough Northampton Portsmouth Sheffield Swindon Wakefield Blackburn Canterbury Eastbourne Huddersfield Hull Lancaster Leeds Leicester London Maidstone Newbury Stoke on Trent Taunton Wolverhampton Banbury Bath Bradford Colchester Coventry Derby Loughborough Milton Keynes Poole Southampton Sunderland Winchester Accrington Huntingdon North Petherton Carmarthen Haverfordwest Melrose Pembroke Dock Bangor Jedburgh Port Talbot Bridgwater Chippenham Hereford Ringwood Weymouth Bridgend Caernarfon Chepstow Criccieth Pwllheli Galashiels Milford Haven Porthmadog Prestatyn Flint Pembroke Tenby Darwen Kirkwhelpington Mansfield Fareham Lincoln Newark Penkridge Skegness Alresford Dalkeith Brighton & Hove Chester Carlisle Exeter Paignton Plymouth Clacton-on-Sea Gillingham Newcastle Newmarket Bodmin Hayle Redruth Truro Darlington Barnstaple Great Yarmouth Otterburn Worcester Bickington Colwyn Bay Warrington Penzance Bideford Newton Abbot York Leamington Spa Stockport Newport Wellington Ellesmere Port Liskeard Lostwithiel Newquay South Molton Tiverton Torquay Salford Norwich Camborne Rhyl Hamilton Kilgetty Rochester Ipswich Stratford-upon-Avon
Zurich Geneva
Luxembourg City
Vienna Linz
Brno Prague

Frequently asked questions from travellers looking to buy cheap coach tickets for travel in Europe

To find the cheapest coach tickets for your trip in Europe, use Vivanoda, our online bus ticket comparison platform. Simply enter your departure and arrival city and the date of your trip and we will give you a list of bus companies with all available fares. You can then compare prices, schedules and services to choose the offer that best suits your budget and needs.

To book a bus ticket online, start a search on Vivanoda. Enter your departure and arrival city and the date of your trip and choose from the various offers available. Once you have chosen the offer, we will direct you to our partner where you make your online booking. You will need to enter your personal and payment details to complete your booking. Once your booking is confirmed, you will receive your e-ticket by email, which you can print or download on your smartphone to show to the coach company during your journey.

The cancellation and change policy for coach tickets varies from operator to operator. To cancel or change your booking, we recommend you contact the relevant bus company directly and check their policies on ticket changes and cancellations, as some fares do not allow changes or cancellations.

Some coach companies offer discounts for students, seniors or families. These offers can be found on Vivanoda, an online comparison platform for bus tickets. There may also be special offers for certain events or periods of the year.

Yes, many coach companies accept e-tickets on mobile phones. However, it is important to check with your coach company before departure whether this option is available.

We recommend arriving at the bus stop at least 15 minutes before the bus' scheduled departure time. To avoid stress or rush, we recommend you to be present at least 30 minutes before the coach departure time.

Most coach companies send e-mail or text messages to inform passengers of bus delays or cancellations. You can also check the status of your coach online or contact the coach company directly. In case of cancellations or long delays, coach companies may offer refunds or rescheduling.

Luggage policy varies from one coach company to another. In general, passengers are allowed to take one piece of hold luggage and one piece of hand luggage on the coach. The size and weight may vary depending on the coach company and ticket type. We recommend that you check the bus company's luggage conditions before travelling to avoid problems.

This depends on the coach company and the applicable reservation policy. Some carriers allocate specific seats when booking, while others allow you to choose your own seat. It is important to check the operator's reservation policy before booking your ticket.

Most coach companies indicate on their website or on online platforms for comparing coach tickets whether their vehicles are equipped with WiFi and/or power outlets. If this information is not clearly displayed, you can contact the bus company's customer service for more information.

Catering options vary from operator to operator. Some operators offer snacks and drinks on board, while others offer full meals. It is advisable to check the operator's catering policy before booking your bus ticket.

This depends on the bus company. Some carriers allow pets on board, while others do not. It is important to check the operator's pet policy before booking your ticket.

This depends on the coach company you travel with. Some carriers offer accessibility options for people with reduced mobility, while others do not. Please check the carrier's accessibility policy before booking your coach ticket and contact the bus company's customer service team directly if necessary.

