How to get to Liechtenstein?

Whether you are a seasoned traveller or planning your first trip to Liechtenstein, it is often complicated to know the different transport solutions available to you to reach this country and get around in Liechtenstein.

Vivanoda is here to help you find the best transport options in Liechtenstein and make your trip to key cities like Vaduz or Nendeln easier.

Vivanoda allows you to compare the different transport options for your trip to Liechtenstein, whether you are travelling by plane, train, bus or carpool. We have gathered all the necessary information to help you choose the best route and means of transport for your needs and budget. We have also listed the main transport companies for each means of transport, such as ÖBB and SBB CFF FFS, so you can easily book your trip.

Train tickets to Liechtenstein

Trains are a very convenient way to discover Liechtenstein, with fast connections between the main cities and spectacular panoramic views. High-speed or regional trains from ÖBB and SBB CFF FFS connect cities like in a short time.

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Travel and Transportation in Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein: What to see and do?

Liechtenstein is Europe's smallest German-speaking country! Situated between Austria and Switzerland, Liechtenstein is full of hidden treasures and breathtaking landscapes, perfect for a getaway off the beaten track. In this travel guide, we'll show you the main sights to see in this enchanting country, as well as practical transport solutions for getting around easily.

Start your visit in the charming capital, Vaduz. You'll be seduced by its harmonious blend of traditional and contemporary architecture. Don't miss a visit to the famous Vaduz Castle, the official residence of the Princely Family of Liechtenstein. Perched on a hill, it offers a breathtaking view of the city and surrounding mountains. After your visit, stroll through the picturesque streets of the city centre and discover its craft shops and art galleries.

For outdoor enthusiasts, Liechtenstein offers superb hiking trails. The 75-kilometre Liechtenstein Panorama Trail takes you through spectacular alpine scenery, lush green forests and traditional villages. Shorter routes suitable for all levels are also available, offering a variety of outdoor experiences.

If you're a history buff, don't miss a visit to the Liechtensteinisches Landesmuseum, the country's national museum, in Vaduz. It houses a fascinating collection of works of art, ancient weapons, archaeological artefacts and exhibitions on the history and culture of Liechtenstein.

Liechtenstein is also famous for its picturesque castles scattered throughout the country. Make a day of it and visit Gutenberg Castle, set on a hill with a breathtaking view over the Rhine Valley. You can also visit Schellenberg Castle, dating back to the 11th century, and enjoy its enchanting setting.

Now let's talk about the transport options for getting around Liechtenstein with ease. Although the country is small, it is very well served by efficient means of transport. If you prefer to travel by train, you can go to neighbouring towns such as Buchs in Switzerland or Feldkirch in Austria, and then take a bus to the capital, Vaduz. There are plenty of regional buses offering excellent connections between the country's various towns and villages.

For air travellers, the nearest airport is Zurich, in Switzerland. From there, you can take a train to Buchs and then a bus to Liechtenstein. For greater flexibility, you can also consider car-sharing, a popular option that allows you to meet local people and experience the country more authentically.

Liechtenstein is a hidden gem of Europe, offering a unique blend of Alpine scenery, rich history and traditional charm. Whether you're a nature lover, a history buff or simply looking for a peaceful getaway, this surprising country is sure to win you over.

Liechtenstein: When to visit?

Liechtenstein is a small country in Central Europe, known for its picturesque landscapes of mountains and valleys. If you're planning to travel to this beautiful country, it's important to choose the right season to make the most of your experience.

The best time to travel to Liechtenstein is usually in summer, from June to August. During this period, the country experiences pleasant temperatures, ranging from 20°C to 25°C, which is ideal for exploring hiking routes and enjoying outdoor activities. The days are long and sunny, offering magnificent views of the mountains and Alpine landscapes. There are also festivals and cultural events organised during this period.

However, it's important to note that summer is also the busiest tourist season. Popular attractions will be packed with visitors. If you prefer to avoid the crowds, it may be a good idea to plan your trip for spring (March to May) or autumn (September to November). During these seasons, temperatures are moderate and the landscapes are adorned with magnificent autumn or spring colours.

On the other hand, the worst time to travel to Liechtenstein is probably winter, from December to February. Temperatures can drop below zero and the country is often covered in snow. However, if you enjoy winter sports, such as skiing or tobogganing, this could be the season for you. The ski resorts in the surrounding mountains offer well-groomed slopes and enchanting winter scenery.

The best time to travel to Liechtenstein is therefore summer, when you can enjoy the pleasant climate and explore the magnificent scenery. However, spring and autumn also offer unique opportunities with moderate temperatures and fewer tourists. Winter can be a good option for winter sports enthusiasts, but bear in mind the cold temperatures.

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